The Industry Crossroads
Renowned lighting designer Anne Militello brings many years of experience in architecture, theater, concert tours, theme parks and light art installations to her role as principal designer/producer for MODE Studios. Her award-winning, world-class portfolio spans the globe, featuring scores of ultra-prestigious architectural, live and themed entertainment projects.
Chris Lisle has over 27 years of experience in the entertainment industry. He has worked in a variety of roles including production designer, lighting designer, production manager, and show producer.
You’ve returned from a successful NAMM Show with lots of orders, new business connections and head full of ideas. Now what?
The NAMM Show is just weeks away. Are you ready for business?
Exhibiting at The NAMM Show is a great opportunity for you to gain invaluable exposure to a qualified buying group that represents $10.9 billion in combined buying power.
Remember that old joke about the man who pleads with God to win the lottery? Day after day he doesn’t win, which only increases his urgent cries until finally the clouds part and a booming voice says, “Can you at least meet me half way and buy a ticket?!”
Why you should take advantage of augmented reality technology to drive traffic to your booth at The 2018 NAMM Show
The future looks bright for music software developers exhibiting at The NAMM Show, as music downloads and self-recording trends are growing at an unprecedented rate, creating a large buying base.
NAMM is taking extra steps this year to further improve sound control levels and enhance attendee and exhibitor experiences on the show floor.
Our global music industry is a vast ecosystem of manufacturers, retailers, educators and music, sound and event technology professionals. And your association is at the Crossroads of it all, uniting these communities around our shared vision of a more musical world.
The NAMM Show will highlight the piano's rich history and bright future in a dedicated piano and organ gallery that will host daily performances, education, museum installations and more.
In an ever-evolving marketplace, today’s music retailer has to be extra savvy to grow and change with the times and find new avenues to generate revenue.